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Foods to Eat and Avoid for IBS

Foods to Eat and Avoid for IBS

IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, is a gastrointestinal disorder that leads to the manifestation of symptoms like gas, bloating, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and pain. The exact cause of IBS is not yet known, but the condition leads to changes in bowel habits, constipation, urgent need to defecate, and a feeling that the bowel does not empty completely.
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Allergic rhinitis treatment for kids

Allergic rhinitis treatment for kids

Allergies in kids can be a sensitive issue. From low immunity, discomfort, constant itching and stuffy noses, they can make kids really uncomfortable. Here are a couple of tips you can use for giving your kids the best allergic rhinitis treatment: Clean bedrooms Thoroughly clean the sheets, dust the curtains, and clean bed linen with hot water to eliminate dust mites.
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Different Allergic Rhinitis Treatments for Helping You Out

Different Allergic Rhinitis Treatments for Helping You Out

Here are different allergic rhinitis treatments that you can consider. Allergic rhinitis treatments are applied in many ways. These include medications and home remedies are effective for immediate reliefs. Always consult a doctor before trying out any treatment. Eye drops and nasal sprays: The eye and nasal drops are mainly used for allergic rhinitis treatment to help relieve itchiness or irritation inside the eye or nose and other such allergic symptoms.
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8 food items you can eat to prevent cold and flu

8 food items you can eat to prevent cold and flu

Instead of popping pills and making numerous visits to the doctor, it is best for you to safeguard yourself from cold and flu by eating plenty of healthy foods. These include the following: Homemade soups and broths Bones, cartilages, and marrows contain certain nutrients that boost your immune system. When these are cooked, the collagen present in them turns into a protein usually known as gelatin.
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Here’s how you can take care of a family member with a disability

Here’s how you can take care of a family member with a disability

Being a caregiver for a family member who has a disability is tough. You might face a lot of situations which can test your resolve and throw you in a state of confusion. Most likely, you are not even trained for such a responsibility and find yourself ill-equipped to deal with such a circumstance.
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General treatments for chronic pain

General treatments for chronic pain

Chronic pain is pain that lasts for three to six months and more due to some previous injury or surgery, migraines, arthritis, infection, nerve damage, and back problems. It can be felt in the form of a dull ache, a burning or throbbing sensation, a shooting pain, a squeezing or stinging pain, soreness or stiffness.
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