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4 remedies that help alleviate lower back pain

4 remedies that help alleviate lower back pain

Lower back pain is a disorder involving the nerves, muscles, and bones of the back. It is a common problem that everyone suffers from at some point in their life. As the pain affects the lower end area of the spinal cord – the lumbar region, the condition is also called as lumbago.
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Dietary tips for healthy body weight management

Dietary tips for healthy body weight management

Today, weight management has become essential for a healthy body and mind. Staying fit and maintaining a healthy body mass index reduces the likelihood of health complications like high blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterols, and morbid obesity. While exercise and lifestyle changes are crucial, certain dietary changes must also be made to ensure effective weight loss or healthy weight gain.
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Here are some important things to keep in mind about multiple sclerosis

Here are some important things to keep in mind about multiple sclerosis

There are approximately one million people over the age of 18 who suffer from multiple sclerosis in the country. A disease that can be benign to some and incapacitating to others, multiple sclerosis is highly unpredictable. This is why it is important to be fully aware of this debilitating disease.
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4 simple pain-management techniques for prolonged relief

4 simple pain-management techniques for prolonged relief

Pain is the body’s natural response to alert the mind that it is under physical duress. Without experiencing pain, it is not possible to know if something is wrong. However, persistent pain can cause endless suffering and hinder your way of life, affecting your daily routine. Injuries, medical conditions, and sometimes even genetics can cause temporary or chronic pain.
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How to prevent and manage dental problems

How to prevent and manage dental problems

Oral hygiene is one of the most significant activities of our daily routine. Not paying attention to your mouth and teeth health can result in several problems that cause pain, sensitivity, and persistent discomfort. It should also not come as a surprise that several processed foods and beverages are among the main triggers of dental problems.
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6 tips to always have good mental health

6 tips to always have good mental health

Mental health is one of those things where one would need to help themselves. Others can have very little to no influence on how one feels, leaving them to deal with their own thoughts. That being said, keeping a check on one’s mental health is not difficult. It’s all about realizing what matters most and giving it more time.
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