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7 ways to treat addictions

7 ways to treat addictions

Addictions to harmful substances can cause mental as well as physical damage. Therefore, taking treatment is essential. If the habit has become chronic, it might not respond to treatment, and the patient might be required to be on regular care. The treatment for addictions is a step-by-step process and can take a while to show results.
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Treatment and home remedies for people with ADHD

Treatment and home remedies for people with ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD is a condition that affects the brain and behavioural patterns. Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to manage the symptoms of this condition. The range of treatments available for the condition includes behavioural therapies and medications. Here’s having a look at the various treatment options available for ADHD.
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Tips to protect your skin from premature aging

Tips to protect your skin from premature aging

Aging is unavoidable and so are its signs. Aging is a gradual process and our skin becomes one of the most prominent evidence of this process. The aging of the skin in its due course is normal. However, if the skin starts aging prematurely, it can be a matter of concern.
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5 home remedies for skin problems

5 home remedies for skin problems

Eczema, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, ichthyosis, vitiligo, and hives are some of the most commonly occurring skin problems. Skin health is a mirror of your overall health, and your skin requires constant care as it is exposed to pollutants and may develop reactions. If you encounter any unnatural sensation on your skin like irritation or a burning sensation, do not take it casually.
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Weight management – How to go about with it

Weight management – How to go about with it

Today, with excessive information available at one’s disposal, people are getting aware of health-related issues. It is important to bear the fact that being overweight is an issue you have to address seriously. Obesity, just like high blood pressure and diabetes, is a chronic condition. No quick or easy way leads to weight management.
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Stomach conditions – Types and treatment

Stomach conditions – Types and treatment

The stomach is located between the esophagus and the small intestine. It is the place where proteins are digested. The stomach has three primary functions: storing the food that one swallows, amalgamating the food with stomach acids, and transferring the mixture to the small intestine. Since the stomach serves so many essential functions, it is prone to suffer from certain disorders.
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