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Symptoms, causes, and risk factors of obesity

Symptoms, causes, and risk factors of obesity

As of 2018, around 42% of the country’s population suffers from obesity. It is a term to describe a disease that involves an excessive amount of body fat. This disease gives rise to other health problems like heart diseases. This is why it is important for us to learn more about obesity.
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3 common stomach conditions you should know about

3 common stomach conditions you should know about

Stomach conditions refer to all diseases and illnesses that affect the stomach, and most stomach conditions cause abdominal pain and discomfort. Also, stomach ache is extremely common, so it is often brushed aside, but it can be a symptom of severe stomach conditions at times, especially if it’s chronic. Here are three common stomach conditions you should know and consult a doctor about:
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Understanding the process of aging

Understanding the process of aging

Aging is inevitable and yet many people have very limited knowledge about it. There are a lot of changes that take place due to aging, such as wrinkles, memory loss, bone deterioration, and the like. While most people are aware of these changes, not many understand why these changes happen and what aging actually is.
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Substance addiction – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Substance addiction – Symptoms, causes, and risk factors

Addictions can be described as uncontrollable and strong compulsions to use or consume something. These urges are usually associated with alcohol and substances, which can lead to severe consequences such as death, disability, and emotional suffering of family members. These compulsions are very strong in nature and mostly have destructive results.
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Frequently asked questions about allergies

Frequently asked questions about allergies

Allergies are the result of our body’s immune system responding to a foreign substance, which might not be harmful, entering the body. These foreign substances are referred to as allergens and can be found in certain food items, air, pet dander, pollens, etc. Herein, we respond to some of the common FAQs about allergies.
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Essential things to consider for Alzheimer’s disease patients

Essential things to consider for Alzheimer’s disease patients

The most common type of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease causes problems related to memory, thinking, and some behavioral attributes. The development of symptoms happens over a period and the condition gets with time. At a certain point in time, the condition is so severe that the patient might face problems carrying out basic daily tasks.
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