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Check out early signs of multiple sclerosis

Check out early signs of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a progressive disorder which is immune mediated. Immune mediated is when that system in your body that is supposed to keep your body healthy ends up attacking parts of the body that essential for everyday functioning. This happens as nerve cells progressively wear out their protective covering which in turn reduces the efficiency with which the brain and the spinal cord function.
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Cerebral edema and its management

Cerebral edema and its management

Cerebral edema is the increase in the content of brain water, that is when the brain water content rises above the normal levels of 8/10ths. This disorder is usually a result of and response to a primary brain insult. Cerebral edemas are observed in a large number of cases related to brain injuries, including but not limited to toxic–metabolic derangements, inflammatory diseases, primary and metastatic neoplasms, ischemic stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage or traumatic brain injury.
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Prevention of meningitis with vaccines

Prevention of meningitis with vaccines

Acute meningitis is life-threatening and presents with increased morbidity and mortality. A distinguishing characteristic exists between bacterial meningitis and the more common viral meningitis. With the increased use of the said conjugate vaccines, the annual occurrences of bacterial meningitis in the US decreased from the earlier 1.9 down to1.5 cases per 100,000 persons between the years 1998 and 2003, with a total mortality rate of 15.6%.
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Types of bipolar disorder

Types of bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a form of mental health imbalance that causes extreme mood swings in a person. The mood swings can be extremely high as in a feeling of euphoria or full of energy or extremely low as in a feeling of depression and helplessness.
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5 Surprising symptoms of depression

5 Surprising symptoms of depression

Depression is classified as a mood disorder which causes a continuous feeling of sadness, anxiety, and loss of interest in activities that they otherwise used to enjoy. It is also known as Clinical Depressive Disorder. It affects the way an individual feels, experiences, thinks and perceives. It is a common yet a serious medical condition which affects your life negatively.
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7 common causes of trauma you must know about

7 common causes of trauma you must know about

According to the APA (American Psychological Association), trauma is the emotional response of a person to an adversely negative event. Altered or extreme emotions is one of the most common ways in which trauma gets manifested. Different people have different responses to trauma. While trauma often becomes so severe that people find great difficulty dealing with normal life, many people can overcome the stress and cope with it and continue to live happily.
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