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Top 10 profitable stocks in 2018

Top 10 profitable stocks in 2018

Investors who have just entered the investing arena are often unaware of the plethora of stocks that they may invest in to reap benefits. This is primarily because they are not very active in the stock market. In such cases, buying long-term stocks is ideal. However, considering the number of companies in this industry, it becomes difficult to distinguish the ones that would fit a newcomer’s (read a new investor’s) profile.
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Top 5 Stocks to Buy in 2018

Top 5 Stocks to Buy in 2018

The stock market has always been considered as a lucrative investment option. The market movement has an impact on the value of the stocks and can give you huge returns on your investment. If you are considering investing ins tocks, then the following are the top 5 stocks to buy in 2018.
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Dental insurance for seniors – Find the right one

Dental insurance for seniors – Find the right one

Sink your teeth into finding the right dental insurance policy for you or your loved one now. It is never too late to be prepared for a contingency. The elderly, more than others, certainly need a thorough, all inclusive dental insurance to help take proper care of their oral health.
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Choose from the top performing IRA funds for 2020

Choose from the top performing IRA funds for 2020

An Individual Retirement Account or IRA is an ideal resource to help you in your retirement goals. The accounts have a tax advantage, which ensures you do not have to pay any tax when you withdraw funds from the account at the time of retirement. Many individuals do not consider opening a retirement account on their own; for them, the planning for retirement begins and ends with the employer’s retirement plan.
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5 best investment plans to live a stress free retired life

5 best investment plans to live a stress free retired life

Every individual saves for a comfortable retirement life. In order to enjoy a stress-free retirement period, it is important to invest at an early stage and plan your retirement to make the right investment decisions. Consider your current financial condition and set your retirement goal; based on the same, you may make investment decisions that will allow you to grow your wealth.
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Best providers of IRA and 401k

Best providers of IRA and 401k

There are quite a few firms that provide both the above retirement plans. The choice should be made carefully, not only in choosing the type of the retirement plan by the tax benefits and other differences but also the providers of the plans. The following are some of the best providers of the individual retirement account:
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