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Best business checking accounts available

Best business checking accounts available

A business checking account should be affordable and in line with the budgets of the business. If a business checking account is chosen without proper analysis of the business and the limitations set by the bank, there will be an unnecessary charge of the excess fee over various services which if unconsidered could over shoot the budget.
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Top 5 free checking accounts

Top 5 free checking accounts

Checking accounts are indispensable financial tools. However, nowadays, several banking institutions charge account maintenance fees that can be as much as $15 a month. Therefore, you must opt for a free checking account that does not come with rules. Here, we will look at the best free checking account options that also come with several perks, such as the ability to earn interest on your balance and out-of-network ATM reimbursements.  Top free checking accounts:
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Importance and ways to check balance

Importance and ways to check balance

It is imperative for you to keep track of your bank account. You must be up to date about the deposits and withdrawals of money made to and from your account. If you or your bank makes any mistake, you can immediately identify it. You can catch a theft if done, and moreover, you will be saved from a check bounce.
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Everything you need to know on money market savings account

Everything you need to know on money market savings account

A money market savings account, popularly known in its short form – MMA, is a type of savings account which earns a higher amount of interest when compared to basic and ordinary savings accounts. How does interest work with a money market savings account? The interest in an MMA is compounded either on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.
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Reasons to open a savings account

Reasons to open a savings account

The benefits of opening a savings account are one too many. Listed below are some of the reasons why you must open one soon. Future: The foundation for a sound financial plan is to have a healthy savings account. A person can accumulate a large sum of money over an extended period and achieve success in all financial plans.
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Here’s what you need to know about health insurance

Here’s what you need to know about health insurance

Health insurance is one kind of insurance policy that specifically covers the insured’s surgery, hospitalization, and specific medical expenses as per the terms of the policy. Depending on the terms agreed upon, the insurance agency may directly pay the hospital the predetermined percentage of totals costs, with the policyholder being required to pay the rest.
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