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Pros and Cons of Travel Credit Cards

Pros and Cons of Travel Credit Cards

The advent of plastic money has transformed our lives in so many ways that we would never have dreamt possible even a few decades ago. Back then, taking a trip abroad in itself was the dream of a lifetime, often realized after years of scrimping and saving money. One of the major advantages of using travel credit cards is the flexibility that they offer both, in terms of spending and also rewards received.
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Plan a secure future with these popular retirement savings accounts

Plan a secure future with these popular retirement savings accounts

Do you save enough for retirement? Will the savings good enough to help you maintain your current lifestyle? Will you be able to take a vacation now and then and not worry about spending on the trip? More importantly, do these questions bother you from time to time? If the answer is yes, then you have come to the right place to find out exactly how you can make the most of some of the best retirement savings plans available in the market.
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Manage your debt obligations with these balance transfer credit cards

Manage your debt obligations with these balance transfer credit cards

Paying credit card interest on a huge amount of debt is the last thing you want to deal with at the end of the month. Although credit cards allow you to buy products and pay for services at a future date, the privilege does not come cheap. Often, it happens that you might get carried away and shop for more than what you can afford, ending up in a huge debt trap.
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Popular prepaid business cards that are ideal for entrepreneurs

Popular prepaid business cards that are ideal for entrepreneurs

With the usage and demand for credit cards evolving in the country, there is a fine line of difference between regular debit or credit cards and corporate prepaid cards, which specially cater to business owners. It has proven to be a great way to foster greater entrepreneurship initiatives since smaller businesses have lesser credit to start off work in the initial years.
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Popular business credit cards to choose from

Popular business credit cards to choose from

A business credit card is a card which can be used for fulfilling the financial requirements of your business as opposed to personal use. Banks and credit card providers have various options for businesses of all sizes. Read on to know more about the top business credit cards of this year.
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Reap the benefits of using an immediate annuity calculator

Reap the benefits of using an immediate annuity calculator

Technology has made it possible for investors to use online calculators to determine the amount of investment needed for specific returns at the end of a particular period of time. The calculator is easy to use and offers an estimate with only a few inputs required on your part. What is an immediate annuity?
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